Division selection should be done based on age, years of experience, comprehension, maturity, and skill level. Placing a player in too low a division may result in the player becoming frustrated, while placing a player in too high a division may result in the player becoming fearful of the game. We want all kiddos to be comfortable in their division, challenged appropriately, but above all, have a fun and rewarding experience that allows them to grow as players, teammates, and also as an individual. WFLL is focused on inclusion for all who want to play but also facilitating the development of those who strive to become excellent baseball players. Parents may reach out to the WFLL Registrar, Board members, and its coaches to inquire as to the appropriate division for their player(s). Please consider the following carefully when registering your young player: If a player’s age, skill, and knowledge reasonably meet the division description, they are ready to play in that division, otherwise, a Petition is required.
The season will begin with several weeks of practice prior to forming teams (Spring Training during the month of March) to allow coaches the opportunity to observe and evaluate each player to help ensure players are placed in the appropriate division. It is possible that WFLL will recommend that a particular player be moved from the division originally registered, either up to a more competitive division, or down to a more instructional division, based on their current skill, ability, and confidence, all to provide the most rewarding experience for all our players. We want to take the concern out of a parent who is unsure of which division to choose and ensure that all kids have the opportunity to take the field to learn, build friendships, and have fun playing the game of baseball. It should be noted that moving a player up or down a division may happen both prior to and/or during the season depending on circumstances.
Little League Baseball® requires WFLL to evaluate all players ages 9-15 to determine the most appropriate division in which they should play. It should be noted that for a player of league-age 9 to play in Majors, or a player of league-age 12 to play in AAA (waiver required), the player's skill level must be very consistent with that of the players in the division for which it is desired to participate, and WFLL will make this determination based on evaluation and observation. Players are drafted into these divisions, however, all players registered will be placed on a team, EVERYONE plays.
Please note that all references to a player's age are with respect to their League Age, which is determined by Little League Baseball® for the player's age on August 31st. You can check your players “League Age” here: https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/determine-league-age/
Division Descriptions
T-Ball is intended to introduce the game of baseball to young players (ages 4-6) or older players (age 7) unfamiliar with the game. This division is for players with very little to no prior playing experience. This is the division in which players “discover” the basics of throwing, fielding, hitting, and running bases, but do not yet have the skill or ability to perform these actions successfully with any consistency.
Little League Baseball® requires all first-time players, ages 4-6, to play at least one season of T-Ball. At age 5, WFLL does not allow a player to play up to A. At age 6, a player may play up to A if they played T-Ball the prior year.
A is the division for young players, ages 6-8, who are still developing their skills, but are beginning to throw with accuracy and consistency, are tracking the ball in the air and moving their glove to the ball (not avoiding it, if still avoiding or looking away from the ball, T-Ball is probably the appropriate division), are able to make good contact nearly every time when batting off a tee, and are able to time their swing relatively well with a thrown ball (if timing is still excessively deficient, T-Ball is probably the appropriate division). The player may not catch or field the ball, make an accurate throw, or hit a strike every time, but they have the ability to do this somewhat frequently and not just “by chance.” Practicing these actions is productive without the need to resort to more basic drills that do not depend on such skills.
A is typically comprised of players who understand the basic rules of baseball and the sequence of play: 3 strikes, 3 outs, hitting, throwing, catching, running bases, innings, etc. They may not understand or fully grasp player positions, force outs, tagging up on a fly ball, etc., but these are the things they will begin to learn in A.
At age 7, and if appropriate, a player may play AA if they played Single A the year prior.
AA is an instructional division for growing players, ages 7-9 who have developed the ability to catch regularly, throw with reasonable accuracy, field a ground ball somewhat regularly, are beginning to track and move toward and possibly catch fly balls, and are able to hit strikes with relative consistency. AA players understand the basic and intermediate concepts of the game, and have a general understanding of player positions, and know “where the play” is.
AA players not only begin to refine their skills and mechanics, but also their situational awareness and position responsibilities given different defensive/offensive scenarios. Players will begin to learn specific positional skills including pitching, catching, infield and outfield although they will rotate through most, if not all, positions during the season. Coaches will begin to identify field positions for which players are most suited depending on skill, ability, comprehension, throwing, and arm strength. Players who demonstrate the ability to throw with greater control will be given an opportunity to practice pitching and may pitch in games during the second half of the season. Similarly, catchers and first baseman will also be identified.
AAA is a semi-competitive division consisting of players, ages 9-11*, who have developed the skills necessary and have the ability to catch, throw, field, and hit with consistency. A player may have a deficiency in one or two of these skills, but not to the extent that it prevents them from improving through participation in practice and games or puts them at risk of injury. These players generally understand position responsibilities given different scenarios, but may react improperly or at times not know what to do when involved in a play. The intent of AAA is to place players in competitive situations but also facilitate instruction as needed to develop comprehension, engagement, and proper reaction during a sequence of play… while improving skills in preparation to advance to more competitive divisions. *Players that are League Age 8, have completed 1 yr of AA, and who are advanced in skill level may petition the league to be evaluated for consideration to play up to AAA.
The Majors division is a competitive division which consists of players, ages 9-12 whose understanding of the game of baseball is well established, and whose skills and abilities allow them to perform all aspects of the game both physically and mentally. These players can catch well thrown balls with ease, hit strikes, field ground balls regularly, catch fly balls, and have attained sufficient comprehension and experience to react properly to most sequences of play (able to determine themselves when a mistake has been made rather than the coach needing to inform them and provide detailed instruction). In this division, players’ skills and knowledge are refined and coaches focus on improving skills that may be lagging, and refining skills that are advanced. Coaches set greater expectations on players in the Majors division including holding players accountable for their actions and behavior. Although instruction is still provided, coaches offer encouragement and make a deliberate effort to motivate players to perform to the best of their ability. While players may play a variety of positions during the season, players most often play in the position(s) for which they have demonstrated/attained skill and knowledge.
The Intermediate Division, commonly referred to as 50/70, is a transitional division that offers a slightly larger playing field than the traditional Majors field with 60ft bases, but is smaller than the full size baseball diamond of the Juniors Division with 90ft bases. The Intermediate 50/70 division is played on a field with a 50ft pitchers mound and 70ft bases. For the 2024 Season, eligible WFLL players ages 11-13 who desire to play in the Intermediate Division may do so by registering with Continental Little League. Similar to WFLL running a combined Juniors Division consisting of WFLL players and previous CLL players, Continental is running the combined Intermediate Division. Although players ages 11 & 12 may play in the Intermediate Division, WFLL strongly recommends that these players remain in the Majors Division. Generally, Little League Rules allow for payers to "dual roster" and play in both the Majors and Intermediate Divisions, however, with WFLL's compressed season (due to weather limitations), the Board's and coaches' expectation that players participate in all team activities (practices and games), and team roster sizes being limited to the furthest extent practical to maximize playing time on the field, WFLL strongly recommends players do not dual roster in both the Majors and Intermediate Divisions. With that being said, the Intermediate Division is the perfect division for players of age 13 who are not quite ready to chuck a baseball from the far side of the infield or round 90ft bases... WFLL recommends that the Intermediate 50/70 Division be considered for such players who will benefit greatly from an incremental transition to the larger playing field. If unsure about which division to sign up your League Age 13 player, please reach out to WFLL by sending an email to [email protected] and we are happy to discuss; if sure 50/70 is right for your player, please go to the CLL website to register.
Juniors is for players ages 12 - 15 who have progressed through the minors and majors divisions and have the skill and ability to play competitive baseball where players naturally throw harder, hit harder, and run faster on a larger playing field (60.5ft pitchers mound, 90ft bases). In WFLL this division historically consists of players ages 13-15, however, players age 12 may play in the Juniors division provided their skill level is sufficient. Similar to the Intermediate 50/70 Division, Little League Rules allow players age 12 to dual roster in both Majors & Juniors at the same time. However, as stated with the Intermediate Division, it is unlikely a player will be able to satisfy all team commitments if dual rostered and therefore, please only register your player in a single division within WFLL. The Juniors Division may also include players with limited playing experience, but can throw, catch, and hit, and want to play baseball. Please note that Juniors is typically for players ages 12-14, however, because WFLL does not offer a Seniors Division and consistent with Little League Rules, WFLL allows players age 15 to play in the Juniors Division but players age 15 may not pitch in the Juniors Division.
At the conclusion of the regular season, All-Stars teams will be selected to represent WFLL in Little League Baseball’s® postseason tournaments. A Little League (Majors) All-Stars team will be assembled to represent WFLL and will consist of the league’s best baseball players (ages 10-12) with consideration given to abilities to play each position including pitching and catching, relative to other players. There will also be a tournament team assembled for players ages 8-10, and a team for players ages 9-11. Of these two teams, the 8-10s team is selected first to make this team as competitive as possible. The Juniors Division will also have an All-Stars team for players age 12-14, as will the Intermediate Division (CLL) for players age 11-13. Only the Little League (Majors), Intermediate (50/70), and Juniors All-Stars teams may advance to the World Series Tournaments while the tournaments for Ages 8-10 and Ages 9-11 culminate at the State level. All-Stars extend through the months of June and July, possibly into August for the Little League and Juniors All-Stars.
In 2023, two of our All-Stars teams won the District 1 Championship and advanced to the State Tournament with our Little League (Majors) All-Stars playing several rounds deep against the best baseball players in Arizona. In 2022, three of our four All-Stars Teams won the District 1 Championship and advanced to the State Tournament, where our players have consistently represented WFLL extremely well. We are proud of all of our players, regular and postseason, and through the hard work and efforts of the volunteers who make our local league as great as it is for our players, we hope to continue a tradition of excellence that both is inclusive for all players who want to play, and challenges players who want to advance their skill level and perform at their very best.
Closing Remarks:
The experiences our players get in each division, their growth in both character and playing ability, and the opportunity to learn how to be a respected competitor and teammate does not happen without the help of our league volunteers (coaches, helpers and board members). We are always in need of additional volunteers to step in to maintain momentum. This is especially true for parents of players in our younger divisions; they help our league maintain continuity from year to year. We have been building momentum the last few years with no intention of letting up and although our league places players into divisions and on to different teams each season, WFLL is truly one team… Please join us! We will find a place where you can help make a difference for our players. If you have any questions or would like more information about volunteering, coaching, or registering your player, please reach out! Specific league Rules for each division can also be found on our website at westflagstafflittleleague.org.
Thank you,
Nye F. McCarty
WFLL Vice President
Abridged Division Descriptions:
Ages: 4-6, all first time players 7 and under.
Ability: none
Knowledge: knows what a baseball, bat, and glove are
Ages: 6-8 (have played T-Ball)
Ability: throw with some accuracy, track ball in air to catch (sometimes), hit off a tee consistently, round bases
Knowledge: 3 strikes, 3 outs, innings, position names, basic rules of baseball.
Ages: 7-9
Ability: throw and catch consistently, time swing with pitch and hit strikes, field grounders, attempt to catch fly balls, run bases
Knowledge: player position responsibilities, force outs, where the play is, the count, general rules of baseball, sequence of play
Ages: 9-11
Ability: catch, throw, and hit strikes with consistency and confidence; quickly react to a ball put into play; maintain awareness
Knowledge: player position responsibilities in different scenarios, tag outs, tagging up/respond to base coaches, sliding, cut-offs, backing up the play, double plays, intermediate rules of the game
Ages: 9-12
Ability: catch hard hit/thrown balls including grounders and fly balls with minimal effort, selectively hit strikes with power, immediately and aggressively react to a ball in play, remain focused
Knowledge of: comprehensive knowledge of both offense and defense, fielder’s choice, infield fly, stealing bases, Little League Pledge
Ages: 11-13
Ability: same as the Majors Division, but on a slightly larger baseball diamond (50ft pitchers mound, 70ft bases), but may also include players who have little previous playing experience but can catch, throw, and hit and want to play baseball.
Knowledge of: same as the Majors Division but will learn to lead off from bases
Ages: 12-15
Ability: same as the Majors & Intermediate Divisions, but on a larger baseball diamond (60.5ft pitchers mound, 90ft bases), but may also include players who have little previous playing experience but can catch, throw, and hit and want to play baseball. Players age 15 may not pitch.
Knowledge of: same as Majors & Intermediate Divisions but will gain a comprehensive understanding of the rules and play sequences of the game of baseball.